Aaron Calderon

warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/uo3mew6y2886/public_html/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.pages.inc on line 33.

OpenFuturo.com Mission is...


Open Futuro wants to promote awareness about Open Source and Free Open Source Software (FOSS). Open Futuro has the commitment with the world community to show the advantages of these products and the benefits they can acquire if they embrace the use of them. For example, Open Source and FOSS can lower the cost of students education. Instead of acquiring non-open-source software to work on class presentations and research papers (with an approximate cost of $145) students can use OpenOffice.org (with no cost) which can fulfill the needs of the students.

Add SAMBA user.


Setup user angel to use the hpaserver samba share.

adduser angel
adduser angel sambashare
adduser angel team
smbpasswd -a angel

Restart samba server

/etc/init.d/samba restar

ChurchInfo Backup Database

Learn how to backup the ChurchInfo database.


  • On the ChurchInfo menu, go to Admin > Backup Database
  • Read the "Tips" section
    • Follow instructions in accordance with your needs 
  • Click on the button "Generate and Download Backup"

ChurchInfo Run Custom Report

How to run a custom report.

To run a custom report do the following.

  • On the menu select Data/Reports > Query Menu
  • Click on the Run a Free-Text Query link
  • Paste the SQL query (custom report) inside the text area
    • Copy the appropriate custom query from below
  • Click on Execure SQL button

MySQLDump Script Snippets

The following are three script snippets to use for database backup procedures:

Apply Multiple Themes on Drupal

Website maintenance becomes cumbersome when you have more than five pages to maintain. As the links within each page increase, the tediousness of keeping links  and layouts consistent increases exponentially. No website owner, enterprise or private, can allow inconsistencies on their websites.

MySQL Dump Command

To back up a big MySQL server use the following on the command line:

 mysqldump --all-databases --add-drop-table -c -u -p | bzip2 -c > .bak.sql.bz2

It will use mysqldump and it will compress the sql file. You will backup the entire server with this command.

Creating a Custom LiveCD

This is a draft article.

This is an article on how to create a custom LiveCD based on IYCC.net Linux. IYCC.net Linux is a Debian like distribution.

Steps Overview

  • Software needed
  • Configuring lh_config
    • Adding hooks
  • Building the image with lh_build

Software Needed

We need to install live_helper, so on a Debian like distribution you can run:

apt-get install live_helper
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