Website maintenance becomes cumbersome when you have more than five pages to maintain. As the links within each page increase, the tediousness of keeping links and layouts consistent increases exponentially. No website owner, enterprise or private, can allow inconsistencies on their websites.
Rapid deployment of content is essential for a successful website. Now, content deployment can happen in a matter of hours, if not minutes. The ability to control the look and feel of a website is one of the most important features for a successful marketing strategy. The use of themes on websites allows for consistency of the material presented to the audience as well as control over the content.
Drupal a Content Management Systems
I am not talking about DreamWeaver templates or the like. I am talking about serious website deployment of content pages that can range from single digits to triple digits and beyond. Drupal offers a versatile system to approach content deployment and themeable look. It addresses the issues of content deployment and lets website owners create the content and manage it with ease.
There are multiple techniques used to apply multiple themes on a Drupal 5.x of 6.x installation.
Useful articles on the Internet explain how to accomplish this task include: an article written by Gueshan at and another one written by geekTips at
Each article approaches the matter differently. Gueshan explains on his article, "Apply multiple Drupal themes for sections in a single Drupal website," how to use the Sections and Path Auto modules and its respective dependencies. On the other hand, geekTips explains on his article, "Using Multiple Theme in Drupal," how to use the Taxonomy Theme module.
Both techniques deliver the same result: to apply different themes on the Drupal site. Gueshan's approach makes things simpler and neater. On the other hand geekTips suggestion gives users more control and the freedom from complexity.