How to run a custom report.
To run a custom report do the following.
- On the menu select Data/Reports > Query Menu
- Click on the Run a Free-Text Query link
- Paste the SQL query (custom report) inside the text area
- Copy the appropriate custom query from below
- Click on Execure SQL button
Raffle Ticket Reminder List
This reports the Envelope Number, Last Name, Mailing Lable Name, Address, City, State, Zip and phone numbers. The following is an SQL query (custom report).
-- ChurchInfo Custom Report
-- Raffle Ticket Reminder List
`fam_Envelope` AS EnvNum,
`fam_Name` AS "Last Name",
`c2` AS "Mailing Label Name",
`fam_Address1` AS Addr1,
`fam_City` AS City,
`fam_State` AS State,
`fam_Zip` AS Zip,
`fam_HomePhone` AS Home_Ph,
`fam_WorkPhone` AS Work_Ph,
`fam_CellPhone` AS Cell_Ph
FROM `family_fam`
LEFT JOIN `family_custom`
ON `family_fam`.`fam_ID`=`family_custom`.`fam_ID`
WHERE `c3`="true"
AND `fam_Envelope` < 5000
ORDER BY `fam_Name`, `fam_Address1`,`c2`;
-- Raffle Ticket Reminder List
`fam_Envelope` AS EnvNum,
`fam_Name` AS "Last Name",
`c2` AS "Mailing Label Name",
`fam_Address1` AS Addr1,
`fam_City` AS City,
`fam_State` AS State,
`fam_Zip` AS Zip,
`fam_HomePhone` AS Home_Ph,
`fam_WorkPhone` AS Work_Ph,
`fam_CellPhone` AS Cell_Ph
FROM `family_fam`
LEFT JOIN `family_custom`
ON `family_fam`.`fam_ID`=`family_custom`.`fam_ID`
WHERE `c3`="true"
AND `fam_Envelope` < 5000
ORDER BY `fam_Name`, `fam_Address1`,`c2`;
Envelope Pickup List (alphabetical order)
This reports the Envelope Number, Last Name, Mailing Lable Name, Address, City, State, and Zip. The following is an SQL query (custom report).
-- ChurchInfo Custom Report
-- Envelope Pickup List (alphabetical order)
`fam_Envelope` AS EnvNum,
`fam_Name` AS "Last Name",
`c2` AS "Mailing Label Name",
`fam_Address1` AS Addr1,
`fam_City` AS City,
`fam_State` AS State,
`fam_Zip` AS Zip
FROM `family_fam`
LEFT JOIN `family_custom`
ON `family_fam`.`fam_ID`=`family_custom`.`fam_ID`
WHERE `c3`="true"
AND `fam_Envelope` < 5000
ORDER BY `fam_Name`, `fam_Address1`,`c2`;
-- Envelope Pickup List (alphabetical order)
`fam_Envelope` AS EnvNum,
`fam_Name` AS "Last Name",
`c2` AS "Mailing Label Name",
`fam_Address1` AS Addr1,
`fam_City` AS City,
`fam_State` AS State,
`fam_Zip` AS Zip
FROM `family_fam`
LEFT JOIN `family_custom`
ON `family_fam`.`fam_ID`=`family_custom`.`fam_ID`
WHERE `c3`="true"
AND `fam_Envelope` < 5000
ORDER BY `fam_Name`, `fam_Address1`,`c2`;