How to print reports
Instructions on how to print reports from the ChurchInfo reports memu.
- Click on the menu item Data/Reports > Reports Menu
- Select the report you want to print out
- For exapmple: Letters and Mailing Labels
- Select the appropriate settings. For example:
- Lable Type: 5160
- Font: Helvetica
- Font Size: Default
- Select which report you want to print. For example:
- Envelope Lables
The result is a PDF file with your report, ready to be printed.
Next open the PDF with your PDF viewer of choice and print it.
Printing Considerations
When you print make sure the dimentsions of the print out are not changed. For example:
- The printing dimentions (zoom) must be 100%.
- The page scaling should be none.
- The aspect ratio must be 1:1.
The printourt will not fit the lables if the page dimentions are changed in any way.